happening by Lúcia Vicente, Márcio Carvalho, Roberto Afonso and Tiago Margaça

Saturday 24.07 - 20:30 at HOTEL25 - Wrangelstr. 25, 10997 Berlin - U1 Görlitzer Bhf

Neo Saudade is a collective work produced in residence by Lúcia Vicente, Márcio Carvalho, Roberto Afonso and Tiago Margaça in Hotel25.

Saudade is a Portuguese word. It is one of the untranslatable words. Is a feeling of missing, although is very specific, in this case. This word was written for the first time by D.Duarte king of Portugal. The word was born when the Portuguese ships were travelling around the world searching for new cultures. It was the feeling of the ones who stayed and the ones who left, what created the “saudade”.

“Neo saudade” was the form that the artists found to translate the feeling of Saudade, in Berlin. Now it became a different feeling in a different time.

As foreigners in a different country we chose this word to talk about our home country, how we miss it, the food, the family. How we want to erase as well some “saudades”, how we have “saudade” of Berlin when we are in Portugal and how we are affected by all of it.

There will be different happenings during the night, each one related to one of the artists in contrast with all the discussion about the term in the residence time.

Lúcia Vicente - Actress

Márcio Carvalho - Visual artist

Roberto afonso - Musician

Tiago Margaça - Visual artist