Artists in residence for August:
Ricardo Brito, Rita Manuel and Luis Simões

The artistic collective Luis Simões and Rita Manuel is doing one month residence in Hotel25.

Their work have been developed in site specific, trying to establish relations with people of the contexts, in way to work their memories. Usually the work is developed in exterior and natural places, they investigate ancestral craft techniques, questioning the relation between human being and nature.

"Da mesma forma que os continentes se afastaram por movimentos tectónicos, os espaços verdes de Berlim estão prestes a procurarem-se. Eles estão afastados por cimentos e betões quadrados, mas conhecem-se, pressentem-se e desejam um encontro.Pelo céu, lançam sementes e segredos entre si, nesse espaço sem fronteiras."

Ricardo Brito is doing an one month residence at Hotel25.
He is a portuguese video artist and since 2004 he's been working on a project called genoma (genome). It's about the creation of 23 letters, each one is a video, which he calls chromosomes. At the moment the project has the letters: A (autopsy),B (human condition),C (Milky Way) and D (Disease). In Hotel 25 he will create the H, which theme will be "Object H - The Hour of the House".